Is Climate Change Real?

     Climate - The Solar Activity Effect

  1. Pole Shift News Field Observations

  2. Pole Shift GSM Climate Change

  3. Global Geo Anomalies Run Down

  4. 300mls Till 40 Degrees Zero Point

  5. Magnetic North Pole Splits into Two Poles

  6. There’s Something Wrong With All This

  7. Grand Sola Minimum Climate Change

  8. Shocking Earth Has Lost Two Jet Sreams!!

  9. WARNING! One Billion People Will Die?

  10. To More Videos

  11. The Role of CO2

Is There A Link Between Solar Activity and The Changes In Our Climate?

In resent years there has been much advancement in the study of Solar Activity and how it affects the Earth. Unfortunately this information does not get much Media coverage. Here are just a few of the videos that show or attempts to show the link between Sun Spots, Sun Flairs, the movement of the Magnetic North Pole and other relevant incidents on our Climate.

